Risk-Sharing Micro-Finance Facility

Financial resources

  • public resources in the amount of BGN 24.6 million;
  • additional private co-financing from the financial intermediaries.

Goals of the instrument

  • improve access to financing for the seeding and development of start-ups;
  • support social entrepreneurship;
  • promote entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups.

Final recipients

  • companies and self-employed persons registered not more than 5 years ago, including enterprises whose owners are from vulnerable groups such as unemployed for more than 6 months, young people aged 29 or less, people with disabilities;
  • social enterprises.

Type of financing

  • investment loans or working capital loans in an amount of up to BGN 48 895;
  • an option for a small loan of up to BGN 5 000;
  • a repayment term of up to 10 years;
  • an option for a grace period of up to 3 years* on the loan principal and on interest;
  • for the purpose of acquisition of tangible and non-tangible assets for business development or expansion of activities of the enterprise or the self-employed person; or to cover other costs linked to the core business operations.

*(valid for nine months following the end of the emergency epidemic situation due to COVID-19)

Source of the public resources

Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2014 — 2020 co-financed from the European Social Fund

Current stage of the instrument: non-active

Financial intermediaries          

SIS Credit


First Investment Bank