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Информация за напредъка по програми към 02.2023 г.
Анализ резултати и ефекти от финансовите инструменти 2014-2020
Development of a blueprint approach for a successful cross-border matchmaking of start-ups with midcaps (2019)
EU-funded loan guarantee instruments - Positive results but better targeting of beneficiaries and coordination with national schemes needed. Special report No 20, 2017
Ten opportunities for Europe post-coronavirus - Exploring potential for progress in EU policy-making: in-depth analysis (2020)
Econometric study on the impact of EU loan guarantee financial instruments on growth and jobs of SMEs (2018)
Специален доклад № 17/2019: Рисков капитал - Централно управлявани интервенции на ЕС за рисков капитал — необходима е по-голяма насоченост (2019)
Supporting Europe’s jobs - Private Equity at Work research report (2020)
The economics of the coronavirus pandemic (2020)
Private equity and value creation (2019)
Value Creation in Private Equity (2020)
The impact of microcredit: evidence from across the world (2015)
EIF Working Paper 2020/062: The Business Angel portfolio under the European Angels Fund: An empirical analysis (2020)
EIF Working Paper 2020/063: ESG considerations in Venture Capital and Business Angel investment decisions: Evidence from two pan-European surveys (2020)
EIF Working Paper 2020/064: The market sentiment in European Private Equity and Venture Capital: Impact of COVID-19 (2020)
EIF Working Paper 2020/067: European Small Business Finance Outlook 2020
EIF Working Paper 2019/056: The real effects of EU loan guarantee schemes for SMEs: a pan European assessment (2019)
EIF Working Paper 2019/054: Econometric study on the impact of EU loan guarantee financial instruments on growth and jobs of SMEs (2019)
Financing the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (2020)
CESEE Bank Lending Survey - Spring 2020
From starting to scaling (2020)
EIB Working Paper 2020/07 - The growing digital divide in Europe and the United States (2020)
EIB Working Paper 2020/06 - Digital technologies and firm performance: Evidence from Europe (2020)
EIB Working Papers 2020/04 - Making a difference: Assessing the impact of the EIB's funding to SMEs (2020)
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) financed by the European Investment Bank from 1990 to 2019 (2020)
EIBIS 2019 - Bulgaria overview (2019)
Stocktaking study on financial instruments by sector (2020)
Financial needs in the agriculture and agri-food sectors in Bulgaria (2020)
The New Microfinance Handbook - A Financial Market System Perspective (2013)
Financial instruments in support of territorial development (2015)
Social Investment Manual - An Introduction for Social Entrepreneurs (2011)
Policy Brief on Social Impact Measurement for Social Enterprises (2015)
Policy Brief on Access to Business Start-up Finance for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (2014)
New Investment Approaches for Addressing Social and Economic Challenges (2014)
The European venture capital landscape: an EIF perspective. Volume I: The impact of EIF on the VC ecosystem (2016)
The European venture capital landscape: an EIF perspective. Volume II: Growth patterns of EIF-backed startups (2016)
The European venture capital landscape: an EIF perspective. Volume III: Liquidity events and returns of EIF-backed VC investments (2017)
Growing the Social Investment Market: The Landscape and Economic Impact (2013)
Designing microfinance operations in the EU - A manual on how to build and implement microfinance support programmes using ESF (2012)
Financial Instruments: making funding go further (2015)
Fi-Compass podcasts
Национално представително проучване сред малки и средни предприятия (2020)
Изследване и анализ на тема „Състояние на малкия и средния бизнес в България и перспективи за развитието му“ (2020)
Годишен обзор на българската икономика
Месечен обзор на българската икономика
Финансов сектор: оценки и очаквания (тримесечно издание)
Индикатор на икономическата активност в България (тримесечно издание)
Макроикономически ефекти от усвояването на средствата от ЕС
Информация и анализ на външната среда, на основните макроикономически показатели на българската икономика, на потоците по платежния баланс и паричните и кредитните агрегати
Портал за изследвания и проучвания
Монетарни, макро и микро политики в Еврозоната срещу COVID-19 и в подкрепа за банковото кредитиране
Влияние на икономиката на знанието върху банковото кредитиране
Очаквания и нужди от финансиране на малки, средни и големи предприятия от Еврозоната в ранните етапи на пандемията от COVID-19
Определящи фактори за ефективността на малките и средни предприятия, влияние на достъпа до финансиране и иновациите
Обзорни икономически бюлетини на ЕЦБ