Indicative budget of the instrument
BGN 513M (EUR 262.3M)
Implementation mechanism
Capped portfolio guarantee, stand-alone guarantees and/or risk-sharing loans with the possibility to implement a financial instrument in combination with a grant in a single operation.
Objectives of the instrument
To provide debt financing for projects of final recipients from the private and public sectors, incl. in combination with a grant, aimed at promoting and developing measures that boost:
- economic activity,
- investments in new/existing industrial parks,
- green urban environment,
- sustainable urban mobility,
- health and social infrastructure,
- educational infrastructure,
- tourism, sports, and culture,
- energy efficiency of public and residential buildings.
Source of public resource
Development of Regions Programme 2021-2027 and Competitiveness and Innovation in Enterprises Programme 2021-2027, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Current stage of the instrument
Selection of financial intermediaries.